Vacation culture, consciousness and capitalism. The marketing of holiday. The vacation migration is compared to early nomadic tribes led by their shaman on the tracks of game. But now, the game pursued is a state of mind advanced by corporate interests to produce a workers' consciousness tolerant of capitalist slavery.
The selling of adventure absent in workers regulated lives, the colonisation of vacation areas, worker migration, and the use of nostalgia and memory to control workers’ minds are examined. A nomadic shamanic consciousness is proposed, anima mundi, connection to nature, mindfulness of the interconnectedness of all.
Club Paradise: don’t be a tourist @Interalia Magazine.
Moon on Fire Meditation, Habitat - Nonstop, Amsterdam 2024
Race the Sun Meditation, Jeff Crouch music, at Compostxt.
Cabo Peligro, Rafael Gonzalez music, at Interalia Magazine.
Welcome, Cecelia Chapman sound.
Last Exit, Jeff Crouch music, at Interalia Magazine.
Tears in the Night, Jeff Crouch music, at Tip of the Knife.
Club Paradise, Blaine Reininger music, at Interalia Magazine.
Trouble in Club Paradise. Series of 12 polaroid photographs reimagine notorious vacations on Lake Wequaquet.
Mail collaboration series of 13 postcards: Posted with Rafael Gonzalez at Utsanga. Sent with Jeff Crouch at UnlikelyStories.
Series of 6 photographs of tourist activities: Bone Tree, Adventure Park, Pirates Cove, Skull Island, Float Choices.
Cruise Collection tshirts: Don't Be A Tourist and Memories Are Made Here.