MauMau Blood Dreams pursues the origins of story. From neolithic Galicia, where symbols were carved in rocks that recorded hunts, conflicts and stories, that later became savage folktales, to France where they were re-written in the 17th century as stylish dream-like, magic fairytales with happy endings. Still, the original folktales continue to influence culture. They reveal a more brutal consciousness than we believed we had. Why do we keep telling ourselves the same stories?
“The folktale is the primer of the picture-language of the soul.” Joseph Campbell.
Moon is a Dagger, Die Leere Mitte. Revista Procedimentum.
Red Hood, JokerJokerTV 08:36.
Collage, photography. Series of eight archival pigment prints, matte heavyweight paper. 12.7 x 17.7 cm., 5 x 7 inches.